Sunday, 22 March 2009

projects update

Joab has been working hard to help get the projects moving along a bit. We are now going to be at the Festival of Cycling in Coventry in June- will post details as I find them out! We have several bikes with really cool stories attatched to them so will have these with us. Also we have launched another new project about recycling clothes- we are running several workshops at YouPunkeroo with fashion designers and dressmakers to help people revive old, tired clothing. We will be donating all the profits from this to Manal Timraz and her appeal for Gaza- this is not a religious or political appeal- it is humanitarian so we are behind this 100%. No rest for the wicked (or ambitious!). My gorgeous friend Jenni is now on the case for finding funding for Recycled Cycles so we can the first round of trainees started, hopefully in the next few weeks.
As a little aside, the Punkeroos are back from their world tour with a camera full of photos- here's a little sample!Joab will make an album soon. I think they want to go again, now they've got the taste for travel!

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