Saturday, 28 February 2009

Just rummaging around on the lap top and I found this photo of a couple of months ago- freshly washed fleece, which is now all but spun! It was my first fleece- before that I'd spun clean and prepared tops, but this fleece was truly amazing. I loved the smell, the oil on my hands, the feel of the fibres, the way it was thick and knotty, but also soft and poofy like a cloud. Even the colours like chocolate in places all the way through the browns to palest cream. See I loved it so much it's made me all poetic! Anyway, I have more fleeces organised and so will be putting in dates for some spinning days on the website asap. Tomorrow I have to face my fear of the M6 and go fetch a new pottery wheel for the workshop. Not only does that motorway bring out irrational fear in me, but my stereo broke so it looks like the only sounds I'll hear all the way up and home again are my whimpers. Take care!

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