Monday 13 April 2009


Happy Easter! We have started our easter activities now- had a busy day on Saturday decorating eggs, the workshop was full of sweets and chocolate!
The kids and I have just come back from a lovely walk in the woods to collect feathers and sticks for magic wands on Wednesday (Fairy and Wizard day). Tamsin insisted on collecting absolutely every tiny little feather she saw so I'll have to have a sort out when she's gone to bed! It does help things when the weather is nice- as soon as the sun comes out there are loads more visitors to the canal basin, fingers crossed for a nice week! The Observer photographer, Jamie, came down to do a picture for this week or next for a story about the recycled clothes workshops- I must set some dates for those to start-I am thinking a Sunday afternoon. Anyway, I better get these kiddies in their PJs and away from the easter eggs.

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