Saturday, 28 February 2009

Just rummaging around on the lap top and I found this photo of a couple of months ago- freshly washed fleece, which is now all but spun! It was my first fleece- before that I'd spun clean and prepared tops, but this fleece was truly amazing. I loved the smell, the oil on my hands, the feel of the fibres, the way it was thick and knotty, but also soft and poofy like a cloud. Even the colours like chocolate in places all the way through the browns to palest cream. See I loved it so much it's made me all poetic! Anyway, I have more fleeces organised and so will be putting in dates for some spinning days on the website asap. Tomorrow I have to face my fear of the M6 and go fetch a new pottery wheel for the workshop. Not only does that motorway bring out irrational fear in me, but my stereo broke so it looks like the only sounds I'll hear all the way up and home again are my whimpers. Take care!

Friday, 27 February 2009

Howdy! Had another good day today. Two guys from the Observer came and had a chat with us about our recycled cycles project- keep an eye out for photos and story hopefully soon! It feels like it's strating to all come together now. It helps that today the sun was shining and making the canal sparkle too- everything looks so gorgeous in the sunshine. We also saw two swans there, so maybe there will soon be a nest!
We're gearing up for another Saturday in the workshop- trying to think up different easy, but cool crafts for children to do, and keep a good variety on offer to keep people interested. Also, Al Davison of Astral Gypsy came in to judge the alien competition, so I'll announce the winner on here and the website as soon as I've phoned the winner to let them know. Take care!

Thursday, 26 February 2009

What a good day! Had a class in to do slip casting. It was brilliant, they all seemed really pleased with the results- it's definately not as easy as it looks, but it went so well! Then had the evening craft group, cup of tea, chocolate cake and ceramic painting. I usually do my knitting in the group, but I've had some orders for ceramics so got quite a lot done. I'll post some photos when they're finished. Also, Joab's brilliant idea- we made an ad board for his bike so that when he's going around on his bike, or has parked it up in town- he's advertising the workshop- stroke of genius!! Let me know if you'd want one- there's a picture on the website on the recycled cycles page. Anyway, have a nice evening, and speak soon. xx

Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Hi. It's been ages since our last post- mostly because we've spent the last few weeks getting the workshop up and running. It's a lovely place to work in, very peaceful, with a fantastic view of the canal and the boats as the pull in and out of the basin. We've managed to get a lot of our craft equipment in there so can offer a lot of variety to our customers! We have our our first class tomorrow- doing slip casting, so I'm very excited, it's lovely to share in the pleasure of creating something new, especially when it's a new craft to someone! I am really going to make a huge effort to keep the blog up to date now, so will let you all know how the class goes. Bye!!